Monday, November 30, 2009

Christopher Smith: 3rd Assignment

f14 / 1/100. Both used reflected light. One with flash and one without.

f6.3 / 1/80. Both used reflected light. Flash used in both; -1 and +2.

diana Elliott- 3rd assignment (flash)

1st image: no flash, f2,8, 1/80, at 1600
2nd image: Flash Only. F8, 125, at 400

Sunday, November 29, 2009

3rd assignment

ISO: 400 • Focal Length: 50 • Shutter 1/200 • F 9.0

Saturday, November 28, 2009

More examples of filling

Hey guys,
I took some more examples of my very cute young cousins over Thanksgiving. These are outdoor filling with light, using direct flash and dialed down flash compensation (2/3rds):

And these are indoor filling using a BOUNCED FLASH (at normal strength):

bouncing off the ceiling:
Bouncing above his head:
Bouncing off the side wall
Direct flash:

Hope everyone is having a great thanksgiving! ~Carmen

Friday, November 27, 2009

Jeff Wall

This is another photographer who Deborah was mentioning...he is really interesting. Wall also meticulously constructs his images. Check this out for more images and interviews, etc. from his MoMA retrospective.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chris Fallone - Assignment 2

Shutter: 6 Aperture: F8

Shutter: 20 Aperture: F18

Shutter: 30 Aperture: F36

Shutter: 13 Aperture: F4.8

Shutter: 1/2 Aperture: F4

CLASS 3: "Flling light" with flash and bounce

Week 1 & 2 assignment

week 1 Assignment - diffused light and magic hour portraits
(Photos I had difficulty posting earlier)

f/4.0, 1/1600 sec
f/4.0, 1/25 sec

f/4.0, 1/800 sec

Week 2 Assignment

10min exposure
F/4.0, 635 seconds

F/4.0, 1/5 sec
sculpting with light

F/4.0, 20 seconds
Using light trails

F/16, 20 seconds
In class photo

Lauren, Week 2 Homework

f/22, 30 seconds

f/5.6, 30 seconds

f/11, 30 seconds

Todd Hido-esque long exposure:

f/25, 7 minutes

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ipek Gocmen-2.week

10 sec. f/10 ISO 800

20 sec. f/6.3 ISO 800

30 sec. f/9 ISO 800

Assignment 2 - Cheryl

F13, 84 seconds, ISO 200, cell phone light

Sara Atkins

1/800 sec

20 sec
292 sec

Michael Pace-2nd Assignment

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

f/25, 13 seconds

f/29, 30 seconds

f/11, 30 seconds